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In humility, we come before You—the only One worthy of worship, who has supplied us with all things through the gift of Your Son, His shed blood for our sins, and His victory over death by conquering the grave. What blessings you have bestowed upon us—the Church—Your bride! The praise and glory You deserve far exceed the limits of any known language spoken by the tongues of men!

We thank you for Your Word—its living and active nature that pierces the hearts of men and avails them to the truth of the Gospel. We thank You that it renews our minds and through it You form Your Children, allowing the very life of Christ to be displayed in us as willing vessels. We thank You for the guidance Your Word provides for the treacherous pathways of life. We ask that You make us more committed to being a people who hide themselves among the pages of Your Word—dwelling in it richly, so it overflows and readily bursts forth from our lips in praise to You and service to others.

We thank you for the brethren—this body of believers—and the gifts Your Holy Spirit bestows to each, unique believer made in Your image. Thank you for how You work us in concert with one another, fruitfully. We desire to be more and more willing and surrendered to You, so all our movements might be a symphony of praise to You. Give us strength to surrender our personal wills to serve one another and You with gladness—building unity and growing in love.

We thank you, Lord, that despite the imperfections of a world marred by sin, we serve a perfect, holy God who is making all things new. We delight in the fact that there is a day coming where death and sorrow will be no more, and eternal life and light abounds because of the fullness of Your glory. We thank You that in our present sufferings, Your promises abound—You are not slow to aid us, and You work everything for the good of those who love You. Thank You for providing, through faith, steadfast and supernatural peace and joy in the midst of circumstantial chaos and turmoil.

There is nothing too big for You, oh Lord. You cannot be overcome! You cannot be defeated! You are the God who was and is and is to come! You are the author and finisher of our faith! You are an ever-present help in times of trouble! You are shield of refuge and Your Word is a sword that pierces the darkness. Who has given You counsel or told You how to speak the very foundations world into existence? You alone are Alpha and Omega—the beginning and the end.

There is no greater blessing than to be a child of the living God.
